

Madden Bigfoot SUV SEMA exhibition of modified conversion





Madden Bigfoot SUV SEMA exhibition of modified conversion

As a world-renowned SEMA Auto Salon, the car modification industry's influence is decisive. The United States modified car industry is the world's most open and free, as long as you want to change, as long as you have a car, Ford Focus Turbocharger you can apply the word:! Only you can not think, can not do without their global fine chemicals modified cars atmosphere, United States and Europe with all the style, American style modification is relatively rough mad, and a large, mainly to show off; and European style to the elegant main modifications can be said to be the birthplace of hellaflush style; modified Japanese style with luxury the VIP unique style, combined with the unique pain and other Japanese car modified car culture. Degree from SEMA show floor can be seen crowds of Americans recognize that people converted unmatched.
Referred to the United States, Citroen C2 Turbocharger most people immediately think of in addition to the muscle car is SUV and pickup, yes, as the originator of the SUV, JEEP and many other off-road vehicles in the US market share is very high, and for pickup modification, no country can be said to be more crazy than the United States around the world. Similarly, in the SEMA show, the United States also put this unique cultural show modifications to the front of the fans around the world.



No Name Ninja
