

Catalytic converter is fully answer





Catalytic converter is fully answer

  There are millions of vehicles traveling on the road, coilover kits uk every car is a potential source of air pollution. Especially in large cities, pollutants generated by adding together all the car can cause some serious problems.
       To solve these problems, governments of countries have enacted the Clean Air Act, and also developed a number of laws to limit the amount of pollutants produced by cars. In order to comply with these laws, car manufacturers on the engine and fuel system has been a lot of improvements. To further reduce emissions, they developed a device called interesting catalytic converter, the apparatus of the exhaust gas can be treated, and then discharges automobile, thereby eliminating a large number of contaminants.
       Position in automotive catalytic converter of
       In this article, you will learn what the engine will produce pollutants, why would produce these pollutants, you will learn how to deal with a catalytic converter in each of these pollutants. Catalytic converter is a simple device have been incredible, so when you see the enormous impact it generates, coilovers uk will feel incredible!
       To reduce emissions, modern car engines will precisely control the amount of fuel burned. They try to make the air-fuel ratio is very close to the stoichiometric point, the stoichiometric point is calculated ideal air-fuel ratio. Theoretically, when this ratio is, the use of all the oxygen in the air all the fuel can be burned. For gasoline, the stoichiometric ratio of about 14.7: 1, which indicates to burn gasoline per kg, will require 14.7 kg air. But in the driving process, the actual and the ideal fuel mixture ratio there are some differences. Sometimes somewhat lean mixture (air-fuel ratio is greater than 14.7), and sometimes is somewhat concentrated (air-fuel ratio of less than 14.7).



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